Workshops & Performances
Film in Switzerland, Switzerland in Film
Date :  2014/10/18, 10/19

Organizer:    Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai

Venue:         Long Theatre, second floor of Long Museum West Bund

Activity process:
14:00-15:40 【Screening】Tutti Giù
16:00-17:30 【Lecture】Flavio Stroppini:Walking Stories- Building territories using different narrative platforms

16:00-17:40 【Screening】Marcello Marcello(Chinese Subtitle)

【About the Screening】
Director:Niccolò Castelli
Nation: Switzerland
Language: Italian with Chinese subtitle

Marcello Marcello
Director:Denis Rabaglia
Nation: Switzerland
Language: Italian with Chinese subtitle

【About the Lecture】
Theme: Walking Stories-Building territories using different narrative platforms
2014/10/18 16:00-17:30

What does it mean traveling? How can we tell about? Narrative pictures: written, voiced or visual.
Think about: there is a map on your table. Over there, closed to you, there is a new world to find out. A stranger geography to make yours, so that you could tell it. Everywhere there is a story, a new world that is different and similar to ours at the same time. That's my way. To tell it, I cross countries by public transport. I pass borders on foot, then I lose.
Reportages, romances, radiodramas, documentaries and theaters.
Every time, projects based on storytelling. 
Every story is following a river, an idea, a new path. 
And then, when someone ask me if I am running away, I realize I need to go home. To tell.

【About the Keynote Speaker】
FlavioStroppini:Author of prose, poetry and reportages. He is author and theatrical director. For years, he has written radio-dramas for Radio dellaSvizzeraItaliana (RSI RETEDUE). His scripts are been presented in different international film festivals. Of him, themultimediaprojects,, in which radio, video, theatre and literature are linked together. For 2013 he is the artistic director of Festival Internazionale di Musica e Radiofonia He's taking up territory storytelling writing for many papers and magazines. From 2013 he is tutor for Real World college at Storytelling & Performing Arts Holden School of Torino (Italia). He teach reality and storytelling at ConservatorioInternazionale di ScienzeAudiovisive in Lugano (Svizzera).
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